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Varanger Lodge

Varanger King Crab Safari

The king crab is a sought-after and valued delicacy around the world. Join a real professional fisherman and learn how to catch and prepare this delicacy!

The tour starts in Nesseby harbour, a lively fishing environment and in the heart of the Sea Sami village of Nesseby. The skipper Edgar takes you out on the Varangerfjord to pull lines as he has done for the past 20 years. It was in Eastern Finnmark that the crab first arrived after Russian researchers had released it outside Murmansk in the 60s.

Each trip is unique in that the crab thrives at different depths throughout the year. The guests help sort out the catch and learn from a real fisherman about the king crab’s life in the sea. King crab has become a significant part of the professional fishermen’s livelihood in this area and it is important to use the resource in a sustainable way.

After the lines have been drawn, it is possible to try sea fishing. No experience is required and all necessary equipment is ready on board. With his state-of-the-art boat and long experience as a fisherman, Edgar can guarantee that the fish will bite the hook! The most common catches are cod, pollock, haddock and catfish. If you’re really lucky, halibut can even come up from the seabed!


Professional guide – Information about the king crab as a species, how to catch and prepare it
Tasting the freshly caught and fresh crab


2024 prices

NOK 2,400 / per person (group of 2-5 people)
NOK 2,000 / per person (group of 6-12 people)
Extra hours: NOK 550 / NOK 450 per hour

For more information